
The Blog as a Marketing Strategy


Companies that have a corporate blog have more traffic on their website.

What is a Blog today

A blog or what is the same weblog or logbook is a digital publishing platform that allows people or companies to express or communicate ideas and opinions on a specific topic. Thanks to the changes that have taken place and especially to the vast audiences of the Internet and social media, blogs have become spaces of enormous influence within an online and social media marketing strategy. The ideas, opinions, news, questions, answers run at high speed, are reflected and again start. We define the Blog as an online publication with articles or so-called posts, messages, or reviews displayed with some regularity. These publications are presented in reverse, that is, the latest published is the most recent and what first appears on the screen. The first question that may arise is, what is the difference between a blog and a website? There is the possibility of having a direct conversation with the author and the reader. It is about informing and linking pages to socialize and involve the user.

We can say that as a Digital Marketing strategy, a blog is a vehicle to communicate (and retain) the message of our Brand to the user even if we then use social platforms to spread it. Today the possibilities of a blog development platform are almost unlimited. They can perform the same functions as a corporate Web page, for example, by integrating the Landing Pages of a social campaign.

SEO which means search engine optimization and content marketing is an example of digital marketing services,(jasa digital marketingwhich is the term in Indonesia)there are top leading way you can tactically connect with your customers where the spend more time online.

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