
Where To Store Your Outdated Office Furniture


As businesses grow, they collect and hoard things until the office is bursting at the seams. Now you’re at the point where you can hardly move, you need to find a place to store your outdated and old office furniture. After all, you never know when they might come in handy, so you don’t want to throw them away just in case.

Thankfully, there are a couple of excellent options for business owners and entrepreneurs that love to hoard stuff and never throw it away. Here are the best places to keep in mind the next time an employee complains about the lack of space in the workplace.

A Storage Unit

When there isn’t enough room for your office furniture in the office, the next best place is a storage unit. Because they come in all different shapes and sizes and are available on short-term leases, storage units are flexible and affordable. And, you don’t have to worry about your belongings as most companies have CCTV cameras and 24-hour security guards. When you choose Henfield Storage, they even send a team to collect your things and transport them to their units to avoid any unnecessary hassle. Check out the prices of your local storage companies and pick one with a solid reputation in a good location that’s cheap.

A Spare Room

As a business owner, you’re always thinking about the future and how to grow and expand. Part of the process is renting office space that has more space than you need for when the business starts to boom. If you’re one of these forward-thinking entrepreneurs, you should have the perfect place to store old office furniture right under your nose. A spare office that isn’t being used can double up as a makeshift storage unit for the time being. And, when you need to use it for its primary purpose, you can invest in a unit with a third-party. 

Your Garage

Nobody wants to bring their work home with them, but sometimes you don’t have any choice. Sure, it’s usually emails or phone calls that you need to deal with and not outdated office furniture, but needs must! The great thing about a garage is that it’s out of sight and out of mind. As long as there is a secure place to park the car, it won’t be too much of an annoyance. If you pack everything tightly, there might even be enough room for your office furniture and the car. Spare bedrooms, basements and attics are suitable too.

Another Business’ Office

It’s tempting to think nobody in their right mind will accept your hand-me-downs, but you’d be wrong. If you’re moving out of an office and need a place for your old furniture, the new tenants might take it off your hands. After all, if it’s a startup with a small budget, they won’t turn down a freebie no matter the condition. Another option is the landlord because he or she might want to use it as a way to sell the office to prospective buyers.

An office always looks homelier when it’s not empty. 

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