
How To Illuminate A Commercial Space


Very often, we believe that we only need good products and competitive prices to succeed in selling, and we forget the other factors that are very important to achieving our goals.

Among these factors, it is often overlooked the combination that represents the scenery and the ideal lighting. Thus, LED light has the quality of giving a special touch.

Good LED lighting in commercial premises will give better color and highlight each product you place in the windows, shelves, counters.

We must not forget that the first thing to do is to get potential customers as soon as you enter the premises.

Therefore, we must start by showing an attractive window that invites the customer. And a beautiful sign that identifies the establishment. This is especially important when it refers to the lighting of a small commercial space with little natural light

What Do You Sell, How Do You Lighten

Let’s start with the lighting of the sign that identifies the establishment with a good fixture that will brilliantly and brightly highlight the name and logo; the ideal is to use the LED spotlights. We can also use them to highlight brands of high demand products.

Now, let’s focus our attention on the front door of the trade, and the lighting of the shop window.

Here, the lighting must be based on the amount of natural light that will be there. The lower it is, the more LED lighting will be needed. This, preferably, should be punctual, targeted to each product that we want to highlight.

The LED track projectors are the most suitable for achieving this objective and to avoid reflections since they are counterproductive.

Inside, we have to use LED fixtures that highlight items on shelves and counters.

A neutral color temperature light is the most suitable for animating the colors of the products. This effect is achieved with the ideal use of lamps, bulbs, down lights, and LED projectors.

Regarding the lighting of perishable food (meat, cheese, and bakery …), it must be used as a special LED lighting for power supply because it does not produce heat and gives natural lighting that highlights the colors and textures of the products.

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